ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL P.O. Box 21272 Cleveland, Ohio 44121 USA (216) 381-8531 FAX: (216) 381-7854 ESTABLISHED 1988 A Veteran Owned Company
ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL has saved our clients thousands of dollars over the years evaluating and designing industrial ventilation systems. We design systems in conjunction with the top area ventilation engineers that provide for good safe work environments.
One of our clients, a manufacturer of lead solder, saved about $200,000 using the modern ring hood design we proposed over a 1930s design that was suggested by a state agency.
Our EnviroKnowHow products division is the preferred distributor for ECOairflow Residential and Commercial HVAC filter, AllerAir® air purifyiers, electrocorp® industrial air filtration systems, and CaliwelHVAC™ anti-mold ventilation system duct coating. Caliwel™ is an award winning USEPA registered mold remediation product.
ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL also provides the following:
ANILINE Environmental Compliance Services
ANILINE ENVIRONMENTAL, P.O. Box 21272, Cleveland, Ohio 44121 USA, (216) 381-8531, FAX: (216) 381-7854